Rezoning of UT’s ‘Gateway Tract’

You may have heard (and if you  haven’t, you’re in the right place!), the City Council has initiated zoning cases on properties in our neighborhood currently owned by the The University of Texas. This property includes the land occupied by the Gateway Apartment and the Open Door Preschool.

There is not a request for specific zoning from UT, nor is there a recommendation from the City staff on any proposed zoning districts at this time.

The City of Austin will be holding a public meeting to receive your input and ideas on any potential future development of the property.

Some neighborhood residents have met to discuss the potential rezoning, and their thoughts are summarized in this document.

The public (and virtual) meeting about the site will be held on Monday, June 21, 2021 6:00 – 8:00 PM. Details are below. If you would like to be included on the email list for notification for future meetings, email the Case Manager with the City of Austin, Wendy Rhoades, at

Please be advised that due to the anticipated large number of meeting participants, those wishing to speak will be given 1 minute of speaking time. If you would prefer to provide written input, you can submit it to Speak Up Austin and/or email Wendy Rhoades.

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