Austin Monitor: Council sacrifices Old West Austin building for park improvements

A fourplex in Old West Austin is likely to be demolished despite a push by Mayor Pro Tem Kathie Tovo to save it in the name of historic preservation.

A resolution put forward by Tovo to initiate historic zoning on the property at 1618 Palma Plaza failed, 3-8, with only City Council members Ora Houston and Leslie Pool joining Tovo to protect the building from being razed and replaced with a different development.

Tovo originally had the backing of the Old West Austin Neighborhood Association in her attempt to preserve the building. However, after Council postponed action on the resolution the previous week, the neighborhood group struck a deal with the company planning to develop the property, by which it would drop its opposition to the demolition in exchange for a financial contribution from the developer to help finance two area parks projects.

Read the rest of the article on Austin Monitor.

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