Lamar Beach Master Plan Update

The Lamar Beach master plan process began in August 2015 and a draft master plan was submitted to the Parks Department in March 2016. A revised draft master plan was completed in September 2016 after review by City Departments and Stakeholders. The draft master plan will be presented to City Boards, Commissions and City Council for adoption based on the following anticipated schedule. Reviews will take place at a number of Boards between October 5 and October 25. The plan is scheduled to be presented to the City Council on November 10.

The current Draft Master Plan, the dates of upcoming Board and Commission meetings, and additional information can be found on the City’s Lamar Beach Master Plan page.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact Charles Mabry, Park Development Coordinator, Planning and Development Division of the Parks and Recreation Department at (512) 974-9481 or by email.