Friends of West Austin Park Meeting

Hello Neighbor!
The Friends of West Austin Park (FOWAP) will be hosting an online meeting on October 1 at 7pm and we’d love to see you there!

Never heard of FOWAP? We are a group of neighbors organized through the City of Austin Parks & Recreation Dept (PARD) and the Austin Parks Foundation. It is our mission to preserve, improve, and maintain West Austin Park in cooperation with PARD, APF, and especially neighbors like you! Read our newly minted bylaws here.

Meeting agenda

1. Overview of FOWAP and what we do
2. Discussion about future planned projects in the park
–It’s My Park Day
–Improvements near 9-1/2 Street
–Proposed project in NE corner of park

  1. Volunteer opportunities
  2. Voting on Executive Committee Members

If you have suggestions for additional agenda items, or are interested in serving on the Executive Committee or as a volunteer, please email before September 22.

Here is the information for the October 1 meeting. Forward to a neighbor!
Meeting ID: 822 0854 9532
Passcode: 78703
Audio by phone, dial: 1-346-248-7799

We look forward to seeing you (virtually) at the Zoom meeting on October 1!

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